Last Man Standing:
You will need the tables cards with no answers. We play this game in school all the time, quickest person to answer gets to stay standing, the last person standing wins. If you're playing with just 2 people, then the quickest person to answer can keep the card, the person with the most cards at the end wins. If you are playing by yourself, play the game the same way but time yourself and see how long it takes you to answer all the sums. See can you get faster each time Snap: Use both set of tables cards and shuffle them together. Divide them between two people and play snap saying the sum every time you put a new card down. |
Fastest Hand:
You will need the tables cards with no answers on them and the number cards. Lay out all of the tables cards face up. Put the pile of the number cards face down (see the picture below). You will need at least 3 people to play this game. One person picks up a number card and calls out the number, the other players race to find the sum that matches. Whoever touches the correct card first gets to keep the card. If someone touches the wrong card they have to put it back and the other players can continue to race for the correct card. If you are playing by yourself, play the game the same way but time yourself and see how long it takes you to find all the cards. See can you get faster each time. |
Breaking up tens and units
Writing the sum in columns
Using a hundred square
Using an empty number line
Breaking up tens and units
Writing the sum in columns
Using a hundred square
Using an empty number line